Danziger is powering up for the 2024 season, by providing new ways for customers and partners to connect and learn. Join in the kick off your next season at Danziger’s InnovationFest.
You’re invited to an inspirational virtual event that will provide you an insight on of ways to connect with everyone throughout the supply chain – right down to the end consumer.
The event takes place on October 27th , 2022, at 15:00 CET.
The webinar will feature three experts in trends, marketing and visual merchandising.
From emerging consumer trends, to creating an enjoyable in-store shopping experience, and sharpen your social media skills, this webinar is designed to help you grow your business. We’ve chosen top experts to not only inspire you, but provide you with tools to kick start your sales.
Whether you’re a rooting station, a grower, landscape designer, or retailer you will find it interesting and insightful.
Keep Up with the Latest Consumer Trends
Manuel is the chief trend hunter at Chlorosphere, a global green-industry consulting firm. Manuel will present the latest trends that are inspiring consumers and how you can correlate these trends into robust plant sales and effective marketing campaigns. “Trends are the only guideline professionals have to anticipate what to produce and how to present their brands and products to consumers,” Manuel explains. “Society changes, and as professionals, we need to feel the heartbeat of the market. The success comes when the rhythms are joined to draw the collections of tomorrow.
Enhance the Point-of-Sale Experience & Increase Sales
Join Joe Baer and his creative team from ZenGenius as they teach us how to stimulate the 5 senses with biophilic design in the garden center and how to create a splendid experience. This isn’t just for the retailers in the audience. Growers, sales and marketing is a team effort, and you will be inspired to help your retail customers enhance their displays and signage, thereby creating success for both of you!
Engage with your Customers on Social Media
Does your social media strategy need a new game plan? The answer is likely a resounding, YES! The green industry has changed, and marketing is about inspiration and engagement, not features and benefits, says Rob Sproule of DIG Marketing, a green industry marketing and e-commerce consultant. He also owns an independent garden center, so he completely understands your needs and concerns. Rob will explain the best ways to engage with customers and build your brand on social media. He’ll also rank the platforms and help you decide which one(s) are best for you.